Secret Knowledge

These are indeed exciting times, and yes, people are excited about the debauchery we’ve been living under being exposed. I’m excited! But, I know it won’t last and the country has always ebbed and flowed with whom ever is in office, just as Israel of old did with each new king. But in this new time of “enlightenment”, we see a danger emerging and that is the age old spirit of Gnosticism that is raising its ugly head. Let’s start by getting the proper definition in order to understand.

Gnosticism is a second-century religious movement that believed that salvation could be gained through a special form of secret knowledge. Gnostics believed that human beings contain a piece of God within themselves, which has fallen from the immaterial world into the bodies of humans. All physical matter is subject to decay, rotting, and death, and the bodies and the material world, created by an inferior being, are therefore evil.

Yes, we know more than we’ve EVER known apart from a few, like the Apostle Paul, but that is largely due to watching Bible prophecy fulfilled in front of our eyes or in recent history. Of course the Holy Spirit is responsible for this knowledge, for without Him, we would not have the eyes to see or the ears to hear. So with this said, is the Bible full of “secret knowledge”, that only today is being revealed? Well…..yes and no. Paul received it almost 2000 years ago, so if that is the case, we’re a little on the slow side, because he explained “Thus saith the Spirit of the living God.” Yes, computers and technology, the internet has made learning the Bible extraordinarily much easier. For I remember the days of large concordances and very expensive reference books. So yes, knowledge of the Word has increased, just as the Word said would happen in the end days, much due to technology.

Daniel 12:4, but not through some mystical means, or only to a few. Anyone can get this needed knowledge by following the instructions of the Author. “If you want to find Me,” He says, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Jer 29:13.

So in these days of “enlightenment”, guard against a spirit of Gnosticism, thinking you have truth that no one else has, because Truth comes through Jesus Christ and is given to whom ever will receive it. And for one reason, and that is so you can live with Him in the coming Kingdom Age!


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