January 7th, 2025
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
I believe the Lord brings things to our remembrance to bring God glory. I suddenly had a thought of our lives, mine and my husbands, as if looking back for the first time. Not with regret, but with amazement and thankfulness. I know that was the Lord because my flesh always goes to the negative and is not thankful!
I thought of the variety we have both experienced. We have NOT had boring lives in the least! Our back grounds as different as day and night, but both grew up with a skill set of life that served us well. We could take care of ourselves and were not ignorant to the tasks of life as many young people today, discovering their ineptness as they enter life’s harsh realities.
We served our country in the Navy, we traveled the US with our children in a semi, homeschooling along the way. We started a school and bookstore from scratch, enabling our children to be under their father and Headmaster through High-school. We discovered the world of health insurance, of which my son and daughter-in-love run and operate today, and to top it off, we have been blessed by serving several churches in ministry and today, both serve as Pastors. Oh, and I forgot all the great Christmases we have had, because of the door that opened to a talent I didn’t know I had, decorating homes and businesses for Christmas, and Jeff found a passion for building homes and remodeling.
For 40 years we have worked almost every job we have had, together. We have fought together, served together, laughed and cried together. We’ve had many major challenges, but looking back, I’m amazed at the bad we lived through and more amazed by the greatness of the blessings we were given. Now, on the back side, I can truly say life has been an adventure and when I thought I couldn’t go on, Jesus saw me through. He never left me, He never forsook me. I can go on, with a sense of satisfaction that I walked through doors God opened. Life is only what you allow God to make of it. I hope you too can look back with amazement and remember.
I thought of the variety we have both experienced. We have NOT had boring lives in the least! Our back grounds as different as day and night, but both grew up with a skill set of life that served us well. We could take care of ourselves and were not ignorant to the tasks of life as many young people today, discovering their ineptness as they enter life’s harsh realities.
We served our country in the Navy, we traveled the US with our children in a semi, homeschooling along the way. We started a school and bookstore from scratch, enabling our children to be under their father and Headmaster through High-school. We discovered the world of health insurance, of which my son and daughter-in-love run and operate today, and to top it off, we have been blessed by serving several churches in ministry and today, both serve as Pastors. Oh, and I forgot all the great Christmases we have had, because of the door that opened to a talent I didn’t know I had, decorating homes and businesses for Christmas, and Jeff found a passion for building homes and remodeling.
For 40 years we have worked almost every job we have had, together. We have fought together, served together, laughed and cried together. We’ve had many major challenges, but looking back, I’m amazed at the bad we lived through and more amazed by the greatness of the blessings we were given. Now, on the back side, I can truly say life has been an adventure and when I thought I couldn’t go on, Jesus saw me through. He never left me, He never forsook me. I can go on, with a sense of satisfaction that I walked through doors God opened. Life is only what you allow God to make of it. I hope you too can look back with amazement and remember.
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