Are You Looking?

Are You Looking?

I’m not bragging, well….maybe just a little, but as my children are just beginning to have children, I have never heard them express the sentiment that they want Jesus to wait to come, because they themselves are just getting started and want the time with their child.

This is a common thing I hear among younger people. They want the time to get married, have children, see their children married and see their grandchildren. I understand this thinking, but these young people haven’t yet experienced the rapturous love that one can only feel with a rapturous relationship with Jesus.

I thought about going down a litany of hardships that they are likely to endure in their short lives, but decided against it. Suffice it to say that life WILL throw them some curve balls and when it does, I hope they have been seeking Him while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6) because in the bad times, they better know where to find Him.

And in those times, it will be the times that find out Who He really is, how glorious He really is, and just how much they long to see Him along with their children. Yes, to go with your children in the rapture is a dream millions have dreamed and never realized, but may you will be the generation! What a glorious privilege!

Don’t long to stay here, long to be with Him, for He’s coming for those that are looking! (Heb 9:28)


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