While There Is Time

Tonight at church Pastor Jeff posed the question, “If aliens show up or our government comes out and discloses the fact that they are real, what will be your response?” Ask yourself that question right now.

You are probably well aware that belief in Panspermia, the idea that we were “seeded by aliens”, is and has been for quite some time, gaining momentum and firm believers. This idea was very much propagated by Ancient Aliens on History Channel and to date has been running at least 20 consecutive years.

Many prophecy teachers believe this will be the explanation for the rapture, but what if disclosure happens BEFORE the rapture? What will you believe? What will you do with the information provided?

It reminded me of the die hard, bun toten, Pentecostal women in our church who believed what the Bible said about homosexuality until the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage and in their eyes, suddenly it wasn’t wrong anymore! So….what if Donald Trump comes out and reveals the “truth” that we came from aliens and the government knows all about it? Will it shake your faith? Will you trade the Truth (Jesus) for a lie?  We saw the deception with Covid and the majority listened and complied with a lie! Are you prepared to accept alien life and believe we came from them and attend the Pope’s service in Rome via the TV or internet and watch him baptize one, as he said he would do?

Time is short, deception is on the rise and trouble is coming in a big way! Are you ready? Prepare yourself while you still have time to draw close to the Lord so you will not be deceived.


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