
Every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lusts.   James 1:14

  One of our favorite Bibles is the Jimmy Swaggert Study Bible. I hear the gasps 40+, maybe 50 years later! I well remember the Jimmy Swaggert scandal. But the truth is, put any man’s name or any woman’s name for that matter before scandal, and there you go! “But I’m not a preacher! I have never cheated!” I hear all the “buts”. But here’s the thing, I can see Adam waking up and beholding this bomb shell beauty, right before his very eyes. And not only that, but God put a love in Him, a love that was to last for eternity. He was made to love her, cherish her, forever be in awe of her. She was never to age, and they were to spend an eternity together in marital oneness. I can almost feel his heart race. Wouldn’t we women like for a man to feel that way about us? Not just the beauty part, but the love and cherish part? But often times, we get focused only on the beauty part and resent them for it, when really it was apart of a package deal.

  We don’t know the whole in’s and out’s of the Swaggert “scandal”, but what we do know is that a man should look upon his bride in utter amazement at her beauty and never desire the beauty of another, but that is a tall order, in the sexualized society in which we live.

  Like the scripture said, you can’t be tempted by something you have no desire for.  I don’t fault Jimmy Swaggert. He had a call in his life to share the good news of the Gospel with the world, but he hadn’t yet learned how to overcome the desires of his flesh that were put into him at birth as a man. We don’t know what their marriage was like, but I do know that after that, he received a revelation. Something I personally know about, where the Holy Spirit literally shows you something you didn’t know and couldn’t know, without Him showing you. The Holy Spirit showed Him what Jesus did at the Cross, to save him from inborn desires gone bad. He finally understood his desires were greater than himself and He must depend on Jesus to take them away. It’s not about overcoming for Him, it’s all about Him overcoming for you! So ask!


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