A Life Out of Order

A Life Out of Order

God made them male and female….. God made a help meet for him…..it is not good for man to be alone…..she looks well to the ways of her household

God made a plan and that plan was to consist of a man and a woman. We have just emerged from a deep black darkness, where lying prevailed in all of our top government institutions and society. Where doctors and politicians could not define male and female. I certainly hope we never slip into these dark ages again, but with this in the nearness of our rear view mirror, let’s face the real facts. Men are different from women. Two very unique creatures, with different needs, different bodily structure and different designed uses. And yet, in the beauty of each of their designs is an unfolding of truth. The truth that they were made for one another. Why? To accomplish the plan! The beautiful plan that God Himself created.

We fight one another in our fallen state. We want our own way. We lust for something we can’t have. We think we know what’s best for us as an individual. We threaten divorce because someone does not meet our wants and needs perfectly, and can’t read our minds. The differences between us becoming a canyon with Satan’s help and we begin to dream of a life without this appendage called a spouse. But what we fail to realize is, is that this person we see as a hindrance to us and our future, is God’s plan to conquer life!

Watch a single man for a time. Half of his created design is missing. So much of his life is left undone, and is quite honestly in shambles. It is an incorrect picture of the type. Or take a homosexual of either gender. It is a mockery of Devine design and His plan. Pieces that do not in fact fit together, but rather like forcing a square peg in a round hole, they just don’t fit. Sexually, mentally, emotionally, in family, in life.

Satan magnifies our differences and tries to convince us that we made a mistake. He lies to us about the other and causes us to be tunnel focused on what IS, not what can be. He leaves no room for grace to work in either person. He destroys, destroys, destroys.

A man who will not remarry to protect his hard earned life savings, is in sin as well. He is wanting the benefits of the design without the full function of the design, for without a clear commitment of God’s perfect design in life-long marriage, he will never realize the satisfaction and completeness of that design. It will always be not quite right, and falling short in many areas, until at last, the relationship falls apart and ends.

God made us in male and female pairs for a reason. It’s the way life works the best! Don’t blow it and cut off half the design. Allow God to work in the design, to make it the best it can be. And if you’ve blown it, don’t think it’s too late for you. There may be another you in a different body, looking for it’s match. Longing for a life in order.


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