The Honeymoon

The Honeymoon

A marriage usually has a honeymoon. A period of time set aside to come together, have some fun, get to know each other and dream about the future. But soon or later the honeymoon ends, and the two people go back home to what is all to familiar and they must figure out how to live this new life, in a familiar environment. Even if the couple moves to a new city, a new state, they still have much the same as before. Life begins to encroach upon the couple, and as the ole saying goes, “the honeymoon is over!”

Many new believers, recently saved, go on a honeymoon with Jesus! A time set apart to get to know Him. A time of fun, meeting other believers perhaps, being exposed to everything new. A new way to think. A new way to feel. A new future to long for. But eventually, the familiar starts encroaching and the new believer’s honeymoon comes to an end.

Perhaps it’s sad, but maybe not! As a new believer pointed out to me, “It really wouldn’t be a relationship if it were that way.” If you stayed on cloud nine and you never had to face reality again, it wouldn’t be a relationship, now would it?

A relationship faces together, life. As problems arise, and they will arise, Jesus is there as brother and Savior to help us through. He sees, he knows, and He leads, guides, and consults. He even fights for us and overcomes the world for us. Through troubles we know Him in a way, and grow to love Him in a way we never would on a perpetual honeymoon!

Sure, the honeymoon is nice, but how much nicer to walk an entire lifetime in peace and safety with One who overcomes ALL for you?

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33


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