He Always Answers

Well, our little fragile, girl, our 7lb Schnauzer stayed with a sitter one night and we came back to our title girl almost dead!  She looked horrible!!!! We sprung into actio trying to figure out if she had gotten into something and calling different 24 hour vets.  Deciding on one, we headed out in a tense silence.After a bit, smoother thinking prevailed and I began giving her over to the Lord. I began praising Him, knowing how He is for us and not against us. A calmness prevailed over my troubled soul and I could suddenly see in my minds eye our little girl getting an IV. We had no idea what was wrong, but I just settled into peace after that. We went to a wonderful Trauma Unit for pets that keeps you with your animal the entire time. It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. They immediately put her on an IV and did tests, just as I saw in the spirit! I’ve never had a dog that required an IV, so I know that this was NOT my normal line of thinking! After 4 hours of X-ray and tests, they determined that it was a severe UTI. Wanting to keep her, but giving us the option to take her home, we took her home with 4 medications and a mandate to see how she was the next morning. After several shots, intravenous treatments and multiple tests, she showed great signs of improvement this morning and ate food, which she had refused to do. You see the Holy Spirit talks to us in many ways, but He’s always waiting on us to call out to Him. So here’s the key. Praise Him! Fill your mind with His goodness and His love for you. I thought about that driving to the vet. He loves us and our little dog. I praised Him for providing the money to pay the bill. I felt suddenly as if I had been wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold night as I thought of His love and care for us. I gave our little dog to Him, trusting Him for the outcome. When you KNOW His love for you then you can easily hand over those you love, knowing He will work it out. And as I went through this in complete silence, while riding to the vet, that image of her getting an IV emerged and I was at peace. Praise Him for who He is. Thank Him that He has the situation under control. Pay attention to pictures that emerge, or things you hear in your spirit. He WILL answer you! Then look for the situation to turn around. EXPECT it to turn around! Life may throw you a curve, but it doesn’t have to knock you out, if you KNOW that He’s for you and not against you. Read John 16:13

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