
At our Women’s Growth Group last night we discussed dealing with difficult circumstances, caused by difficult people. How to keep from CHOOSING bitterness and ill will. We discussed Job and how he responded to hell on earth by expressing his feelings to God, but never turning his back on God.

This morning I read Jeremiah 11-12 and here Jeremiah finds himself in a bad situation. They want to kill him! All for speaking the Word of God to them. In 11:20 in the Amp Classic, I love how it states it: “But, O Lord of hosts, Who judges rightly and justly, Who tests the heart and the mind, let me see Your vengeance on them, for to You I have revealed and committed my cause (rolling it upon You).“

Listen to 12:1 “Uncompromisingly righteous and rigidly just are You, O Lord, when I complain against and contend with You. Yet let me plead and reason the case with You: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why are they at ease and thriving who deal very treacherously and deceitfully?

If you’re in a trying relationship or circumstance, tell the Lord how you feel. He knows it anyway, but it will free you by telling Him. Then, “roll it upon Him”! Cast it, throw it, like something hot that you can’t hold. This is the hard part though, surrendering your will, your hardness, your hurt, your desire to fix it yourself, your hate, your reason for manipulation, your revenge, your will. Cast on Him your self will. And when you do, when you let Him take all your feelings, you have just freed Him to work in your situation and to fix it!

11:21 Thus says the Lord….the men who seek your life….Behold, I will punish them…..

He will work in the appropriate way in every situation IF you will “roll it” upon Him, but you have to surrender your will or He will sit back and watch. Don't drown from your circumstances and feelings. Let Him deal with it by you letting go!

Join us next month for Women’s Growth Group, where we get real with life!


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