Who You Are

We were talking with someone who said a preacher told them that if they couldn’t quote scripture, he questioned their salvation. Run!!!!!! That preacher doesn’t get it! It’s hard for us to get it, especially, in my opinion, for those of us who grew up in the OLD South, when everyone went to church and there was a church on every corner instead of a bar.  Everyone had a form of godliness but denied the power there of, 2 Tim 3:5, because they didn’t know.

It’s not about being good enough, quoting enough scripture, going to church, reading your Bible. It’s about “It Is Finished”!

If I’m overcome with temptation, I feel it. My body feels it. My mind can’t stop thinking about it. Like two  strong magnets being drawn together, and I can’t stop it. But Jesus came, died, resurrected and defeated sin FOR me, so when I’m tempted, instead of fighting a losing battle, because sin is greater and far more powerful than me, I call on the ONE that defeated sin. I RUN to Him and tell Him what is going on. I tell Him the arrow of temptation that has hit me and HE is not mad at me for having the temptation, He is thrilled that I came to Him with it! He defeats it for me because I can’t. He does what no man can do, shuts down attacks so strong that they would surely destroy me. Just like Job who prayed to God, ran to God, even in his pain, suffering and not understanding. He knew God had the answers. That is Who You are Lord.


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