You Have Rights

You Have Rights!

Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. Is 45:11.

For quite a while, because I don't have to drive much anymore, I was getting afraid to drive. Not so much the driving itself, but what was happening every time I went out. I began noticing strange things happening each time and it was always negative. Negative people, negative experiences. For instance, I went to Hobby Lobby and I came out and someone had thrown a soft drink out next to me and the sweet drink ran under my car and my car was litteraly engulfed in bees! I couldn't get in the car! The last incident occured with an insane man on a bicycle. I came around a curve and he was there on the right side of the road, and I figured out after a bit that I foiled his plan of crossing the road, and he began yelling and cursing and beating the handle bars! It quite frankly scared me! Well, after that incident, and keep in mind I had told no one, but was praying before I left the driveway every time, but it was still happening. Well, after the bicycle insane man, I got MAD! How dare this be happening to me every time I leave the house! How dare Satan attack me like this! I am a child of God and I began to go off on the Devil and proclaim the goodness of God to me and boldly, in my spirit, realized this is garbage and I don't have to take it! Well, guess what? It's been two weeks and the attacks have stopped! I have been out driving a bunch and nothing has happened.

The scripture in Isaiah 45:11 came to my mind. If we know the goodness of God and are in relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, then we don't have to put up with crap from the enemy! We can stop it! But begging God to stop it for you won't work. You've got to realize where you stand, the authority you have and the work that Christ has accomplished for you. Demand that sickness go! Demand that healing come! Demand Satan leave you alone. Why? How? Because as a child of God, I have these things already! Remember what Jesus said on the Cross? "IT IS FINISHED!" You have rights in Him. Go take them!


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