Pagan Ways


Pagan Ways

You shall make for yourselves NO idols nor shall you erect a graven image, pillar, or OBELISK, nor shall you place any figured stone in your land to which or on which to bow down, for I am the Lord your God. (Lev 26:1 AMP classic)

No “Teen idols”, no “American idols”, no “groupies”, etc. isn’t it amazing how easily we get swept away with idolizing, which is worship? But what about those OBELISKS? If you haven’t noticed, they’re everywhere! Parks, cemetery’s, The Vatican, Washington D.C., Central Park, (an ancient one from Egypt), etc. But where did they come from? *“The shape of the obelisk is associated with the ancient Egyptian god of the sun, Ra. Most ancient obelisks feature hieroglyphic carvings on all four sides that are dedicated to Ra and the ruler who erected the monument.”

The capstone, on the ones in Egypt, would have been covered in gold, emulating the sun. It is also said to be a symbol of the penis or phallic. “The ancient Greeks and Romans celebrated phallic festivals and built a shrine with an erect phallus to honor Hermes, messenger of the gods.” Japan still does this even today as I’m sure other places do as well. At least they celebrate was is normal! Symbolism of the phallic and a ray of sun, is what the obelisk stands for.  It is a pyramid as well as a sun dial and the top, also the eye of Horus, the all seeing eye.

No wonder God told Israel to have no part in this ancient symbolism!!!! Amazing how much paganism has been in the American mindset for much of its existence. Guard yourself against pagan ways that God said not to participate in! If your His, you will be set apart.



Phallic architecture-wickapedia

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