The Watchers & Medical Psychedelics

This is why people are rushing to use psychedelics, because psychedelics, through huge seratonin dumps, pave new paths in the brain for people to get off the negative loop and go down a new road of thinking and that sounds good, but go back to Enoch.  In Enoch, the Watchers, the Fallen Angels were teaching man all sorts of things and one was the cutting of roots.  They were teaching Pharmacea, sorcery, how to contact the spirit world through mind altering drugs.  First these drugs take you down all the roads that have already been built in your brain, kinda of like in Hypnosis.  The brain has a way, many times of protecting itself overtime, from trauma.  It blocks out things that are determental.  In Hypnosis, these blocks are removed, because you're in an altered state of consciousness, and I believe open to the demonic spiritual realm and they always intend evil.  You then, whether through hypnosis or drugs, go down those dark roads of trauma, and relive them.  That's why the people who do psychedelics, if they tell of the horror, all speak of thinking they were going to die and uncontrollable crying.  It always takes them down the negative brain paths but it opens new paths and that is why they do it.

"And all the others together with them (the fallen watcher angels) took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants." Enoch 7"1

Excerpt taken from tomorrows Preppers at 10:30 Am, 10/10/2024, The Watchers and Medical Psycheleleics

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