As In The Days of Noah

In The Days of Noah

The Bible is full of men and women who stuck to the right side, God's side, when their nation their government, their friends and families had gone off the deep end! The deep end of public propaganda and evil that is. Yes, it's always been with us, spurned on my Satan's initiation and received by man's fallen nature.

Noah and his family were literally standing against the known world. Jeremiah, was a lone ranger standing against an entire nation. His own.

There is one way to make it through and win the race, receiving a winners crown of righteousness, and that is to choose the right side and stay there, no matter what comes. It takes NOT just a made up mind, for the mind works on knowledge. It takes knowing the Word of God. But it takes more than the Word of God in the mind because you are more than a brain. It takes a born again heart. A sprit who has been redeemed from the sin nature. A spirit that is open to hearing God through the Holy Spirit, Gods spokesman. But it takes more than knowledge and a regenerated heart, It takes revelation. Understanding in the heart and mind combined in divine, Spirit led revelation, that enables you to not live in the here and now, but to live in daily communion with God, first in the spirit, then in the heart and then the brain.

This life is VERY short and your here to decide where you will spend forever. You may have to separate yourself. You may not fit in. You may not be accepted. It may be hard. But when life flies by and you're in your new Heavenly home, with your loving father who created you, then you won't be sorry.

As in the days of Noah, which side will you be on?


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