Falling For The Lies?

I see a disturbing trend in all our lives and that is a lack of critical thinking. An inability to think for one’s self. I see a buying into lies, simply because the government says it, or Snopes says it, the famous fact checker website. There is such a thing as PsudoScience. PsudoScience is  a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

Or take for instance the last election. President Trump and others said it was rigged and stolen while the media says it was legit. I’ll just say that the facts don’t add up but instead of arguing that point, let’s look at what we’re facing in a few short months. As you know, we have an open boarder, which is going to wreak havoc in our elections. Federal law prohibits non-citizens and rightly so, from voting in our elections. But some states such as North Carolina, our beloved Georgia, and Wisconsin allow the use of student ID’s to vote. The thing is, a non US citizen, a foreigner, attending a University in one of these states is issued a student ID, proving they are a student of that university and yet, that makes them eligible to vote. People, that is an example of a lie. Or how about illegal aliens, foreigners in nineteen states, able to get a drivers license. With a divers license in many states, you can vote! But it’s a lie!

My point? Satan is the Father of lies John 8:44 tells us and we all must understand we are living in a world under the dominion and control of Satan, because Adam willingly gave the God given dominion of the Earth over to Satan. Luke 4:6-7 is the account of Satan telling Jesus he will give Jesus his dominion, if Jesus would worship him. Don't fall for lie's!  Get in the Word.  You only have a short time to get it right!


Taken from the upcoming Preppers; The Truth According To Noah's Ark.  Set your calendar for September 12, 2024 at 10:30 AM at Freedom's Light Chruch.  In person or on Facebook. 

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