Wake Up

Wake Up!

On the recent Earth Day, not sure when that was, it passed unnoticed for me, we were told by someone that the United Methodist Church in their town, went outside, marched around and prayed to their Mother Earth god and repented of what they had done to the earth. I told my husband, “How can they be so lost? Don’t they read the same Bible we do?” And he answered back, “It’s the eyes through which they read it. It’s what they’re taught in seminary.”

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Rom 1:25

The Catholic Church encouraged praying to the saints instead of praying to false gods, which was wrong, but here we are, in government and church, praying once again to false gods.

I could go down so many roads here, but let’s lay the foundation with words from Isaiah the prophet: They will call evil good and good evil,” Is 5:20.

We are the recipients of psychological warfare first from Satan and then from his people in churches, in schools and in government. Parents blindly pushing education at all costs, and this is what is produced…..delusion.

Parents, teach reading, writing and arithmetic, but guard against false ideology if you don’t want to lose your children here and for eternity.

In Vermont this week, the health officials there are advising the schools to refrain from using the words, “son” & “daughters.”

Wake up while there is still time!


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