Is God An Indian Giver?

I guess that phrase came from white man giving to the Indians and then taking it back. So if you’re an Indian giver, you give someone something and then ask for it back. No, God is NOT an Indian giver and yet I venture to say we all have thought Him to be one!

Why would He come to give us an abundant life and then at every turn, strip it from us? How many times in my life, have I misunderstood life and unfortunately blamed God? And how about the familiar phrase, “God giveth and God taketh away”? Did you know that is not in the Bible? But that’s how most Christians live.

We have such a limited understanding of God, Jesus, the Bible, the Cross, the Holy Spirit, the seed war, and Satan, that we suffer through life because of it. You see we, me, the church as a whole, sees God through lenses of our fallen nature. We don’t see and understand Him as He really is. We don’t understand the war that went on in Heaven. We don’t realize that God’s Spirit tells with us Truth and talks to us, helping us constantly.

As things get tougher and tougher in the US and I suspect bad days ahead, I will keep my eyes on the One who created it all, the One Who gave Himself to save me. I will remember God is for me and never against me. I will remember He is not my enemy but rather an enemy of the one who is after me, wreaking havoc. I will remember that what ever Satan steals from me, simply from living life, that he must pay it back 7 fold!

While there’s time, find out who God really is and realize He is indeed NOT and Indian giver and never will be!


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