The Modern Message

The modern message is by and large a self-improvement message. As stated, it sounds good to the ear. You can better yourself! You can bring out the champion within you! You can realize your full potential! You can be better than you are! All of these things sound good to the carnal ear. There’s not a human being in existence who cannot stand improvement, so this is a message that falls on ready ears, which the Bible refers to as “inching ears”.

”But the truth is, self cannot improve self. In other words, there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do to better themselves in any way, at least by their own machinations (plots or schemes). It simply cannot be done. Anything that’s done in our lives that improves us, and to be sure, there is much that needs improving, the Holy Spirit alone can carry out this task. So that means that all of these sermons, that all of these people taking down their notes in their books when they hear these foolish statements made, will amount to nothing. Not one single person will help themselves. Not one single individual  will get better, but rather worse. Not one individual will see any improvement.”

But yet, were you to question these people, they would vouch or swear on a stack of Bibles, that they are being helped gradually. In answer to that, Paul said this “I do not frustrate the grace of God (if we make anything other than the Cross of Christ the object of our faith, we frustrate the Grace of God, which means we stop its Action, and the Holy Spirit will no longer help us): for if righteousness comes by the law (any type of law), then Christ is dead in vain. (If I can successfully live for the Lord by any means other than faith and Christ and the Cross, then the death of Christ was a waste)”. (Gal. 2:21)

Quote by Jimmy Swaggert Bible Commentary on 1 & 2 Samuel

This is the teaching and belief of Freedom’s Light Church. If your tired of not changing and your life not getting better, come and join us,

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