Give or Take?

Give & Take

Is a relationship with the Lord give and take? This is the way it was described to me by a friend. She said for 36 years she had thought after salvation that the relationship with Jesus was a give and take relationship. But just this last Monday she received the revelation from the Holy Spirit that it is indeed NOT a give and take relationship! She realized it’s ALL take! This is why the Old Covenant example of the Whole Burnt Offering and the Sin Offering and the other three, five in total, exemplifying all that Christ would do.

He made the sacrifice of Himself for us. We did nothing. He wrote the law on our hearts after our acceptance of His sacrifice for us. He does ALL the work! He pays with His own life, and He even puts the law within us, on our hearts so that we will have His desires within us, equipping us to fulfill them.

No, it’s not a give and take relationship at all. It’s accepting his sacrifice, accepting His law, accepting His Holy Spirit which equips us to live it out. No, I don’t see us “giving” at all! All I see is take, and take and take! Take of the precious gift, given just to us, mankind.


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