The Supreme Title Father

Supreme Title of Father 

Heil Hitler

Supreme Leader

Your Excellency


Prime Minister



Chief of state

Leader of the nations

Your Heinous

Isn’t it amazing that the Creator of the universe, the ONLY One that can calm my restless soul, the One who holds the earth in the palm of His hand tells us to call him Father?

Father. The most power packed title. A title of love, reverence, sacrifice, protection, and care. The world has known its share of brutal dictators, but our God tells us He’s our Father. We all know what that means, but He even goes as far as to say not only is He our Father but He’s our ABBA! Abba is Daddy! Anybody can be a Father, but not everyone is a Daddy.

You can rest in what ever you’re going through because you have a Daddy that controls the universe as well as your life. What possibly do you have to worry about? Meditate on your Daddy today! He loves you.

Picture compliments of freelyimages

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