Living To Regret It

Living To Regret It

I saw on Instagram a group somewhere in the world, (they don’t give enough information) where women’s noses are altered and cut somehow to make them wider and wood plugs put in. They can no longer breathe out of their nose. The men think the wider the nostrils, the more appealing. I find it revolting,  so that proves beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

In our society today, we’ve gone from a single tattoo for the military and inmates, to almost total bodily   coverage! But the serious believers that I know all have one thing in common, they regret it!

I have one from my time in the Navy and yes, I regret it. They fade, half the time you can’t even tell what they are or what they say, but in my opinion, they’re ugly. But that’s my opinion, much like the opinion of the men who think cut off noses with nose plugs are sexy. But the real question is what does God think?

The NT Sums it all up by telling that our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Our bodies are where God dwells. Does anything else really need to be said? He said not to be like the heathen in Jeremiah.: Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the CUSTOMS of the people are VAIN.

Don’t do what every else does just because everyone is doing it! Someday you might live long enough to regret it. Fashions change, trends change, ideas change, but some thing’s we’re left with for the rest of our lives.

Remember that your body is where Christ dwells, through the Holy Spirit, so before you make decisions that you must live with forever, consider what God things about it first.


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