Your End Better Than Your Beginning

The book of Hebrews may be a hard book to understand, but the ancient Jews understood what Paul was explaining because they lived the Law and the sacrifices, where we don’t.

Paul talks about familiar heroes of their faith such as Noah, Abraham, Rahab, Sara and Samson. If you know their stories, as the ancients would have, they were people with a heap of trouble! They were people with the fallen sin nature, looking forward BY FAITH to the day that their sin nature would one day be done away with. What was accounted to them as righteousness was not how they did everything right, because they didn’t! It was because they trusted in the One to come, that the Law and sacrifices represented. They never got it 100% right and yet their names are listed in the Great Hall of Faith by the Holy Spirit Himself.

You could say their end was better than their beginning! Not because they suddenly became perfect in their actions and thoughts, but simply because they believed in THE God that they couldn’t see, and looked forward to the One who could save them.

It’s not about what you do, it’s about Who you believe. Ready for your end to be better than your beginning? Don’t delay. Start believing today! Call on Jesus.


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