Father's Day

Fathers Day

If you had a great Dad, praise the Lord! If you didn’t have such a great Dad, then let’s see why. Well, it goes back to ALL our fathers, Adam. He was the caretaker, the proginitor, the head of this thing we call Earth. He screwed up and because of that, he plunged all of his offspring into sin. I’m sure he had no idea of what he had done to all of us who would come behind him, but God made a way. God killed the first animal to cover their sin with the blood, which is life. They were dead, spiritually, no longer one with God, but the blood covered them and gave them life, new life. Cain tried to bring the work of his hands and God explained that that was no good! It would not restore the relationship with Him, only the blood. With this knowledge, we can apply this to fathers, that were less than. Apart from Christ, they were the walking dead. Children of Adam, doing what sinners do, which is everything that leads to death.

Now that we have an explanation, we can CHOOSE to understand, side with Jesus and forgive them. The walking dead can’t do anything good and worthy, for they are dead in trespasses and sin. That’s why God wants us to forgive. Same reason He forgives those who were dead and now made alive in Him! If you’re mad at your father for dying early, choose to forgive him, siding with Jesus, because the enemy wants to take us ALL out.

This Father’s Day choose to side with Jesus and forgive and be thankful you have a Heavenly Father who wants to be the perfect Father to you. This Fathers Day, think about the Father that really matters, the One Who is for you and not against you! The Father who didn’t have to Adopt you into His family, but did. He is the Father that will not leave you or forsake you!


Picture compliments of Freely

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