Good News

Good News!!!

Who would not want to know the Lord??? He is not a harsh judge as people perceive, blaming Him for every woe. No, it’s the exact opposite as proven by this delightful scripture that I love!

Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness' sake, O LORD. Proverbs 25:7

I’m a slow learner and I did a good job of screwing my life up when I was young! Why? Because I was born with a sin nature. I was born separated from God. I went the way of the world, the way my flesh said to go. And that ended in a dead end!

But when you find the Truth, which is Jesus crucified as me and raised to new life, I am then to put all the foolishness of my youth in the garbage! I was separated from God. I was ignorant. I am not to dwell on that time in my life. I am to forget that and go forward seeking Him, rejoicing in Him, learning about Him, NOT dwelling on how bad I was, or how ignorant I was. God wants me to simply go forward, leaving the past behind, and enjoy Him.

He then goes on to say, And their sins and their lawbreaking I will remember no more. Heb 10:17



Image compliments of Freely

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