February 26th, 2024
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
“But the next morning! What a change! As I opened my eyes I was so filled with a tremendous love - love to God and to everyone on earth - my own dear ones and also people known and unknown - just love! Such deep peace and joy I had never felt before. Quickly I got up and dressed. I was in dire need of someone to hug. To open my arms wide. …and all I could repeat over and over again was, strangely enough, ‘Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!’ Life has never been the same again.”
“One thing which happened to me almost immediately was that I felt eagerly drawn to search the pages of the New Testament through the Acts of the Apostles and the letters of Saint Paul, and through all the passages which dealt with the Holy Spirit. I was amazed at what I read. I had read the Bible most of my grown-up life. But when I read the very same pages now, they sounded so completely different and I clutched the little pocket New Testament and in walking up and down stairs and crossing the campus, I couldn’t help but snatch a few more lines here and there. That stayed with me. Now I am getting up an hour earlier to be sure to have time for reading Scriptures before my working day begins. And every day it’s like stepping up to a table laden with delicious foods chosen for my needs. This was not starry-eyed emotionalism: this was the true thing.”
Excerpt taken from Maria, by Maria Von Trapp. Copyright 1972
Have you asked the One, the Helper, the Holy Spirit, the third member of the God-head, to come into your life? If not do it today and allow the words that form on your lips to be spoken out no matter what your brain tells you! The “infilling”, the “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” is not the same as the Baptism in Christ death, which is our salvation. It is a separate work. It’s supernatural, not natural. Read the book of Acts this week and come Sunday for a thorough understanding and then allow your life to be empowered, just as Jesus the man did, when He put off deity and was filled with the Holy Spirit.
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