February 24th, 2024
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
The One
“All I could manage to do was quietly whisper ‘Dear Holy Spirit, You say it. Here are my lips.’”
“Then-in complete astonishment-I listened to a most marvelous account of how we cannot serve the Lord joyfully without special help from the Holy Spirit. My listening, I learned that the apostles weren’t able to do it either. They had gone through three years of public life with their best Friend and Savior day and night, really learning to know Him. Then they had gone through those three terrible days, and most of them had run away in fright. They witnessed His resurrection, but still didn’t understand. They couldn’t believe it. Up to the last hours of his forty days on earth they didn’t quite know how to take Him. Every time He appeared, He had to start over again with by saying, ‘Fear not, it is I.’ They most certainly were not serving Him joyfully.”
“Finally, when He led them up to the Mount of Olives, He gave them a few last instructions: ‘It is necessary for you that I go now to the Father because I will send you the One who will make you understand everything. You go back to Jerusalem now, and there you must wait for Him and pray for Him.’ They obeyed and for nine days and nine nights they stayed together, asking and praying for the Comforter, the Paraclete, the One to come whom Jesus had spoken of. They didn’t know exactly what they were praying for, but He told them to do so. After nine days were over, He came.”
“We must go into our upper room and take our Lord at His Word: ‘Go and wait for His coming.’ And if we do, He surely will send that very same Comforter, the One who will explain everything to us. Only then, and only from then on, will we be able to be really joyful in the Lord.”
Excerpt from Maria, by Maria Von Trapp, copyright 1972
“All I could manage to do was quietly whisper ‘Dear Holy Spirit, You say it. Here are my lips.’”
“Then-in complete astonishment-I listened to a most marvelous account of how we cannot serve the Lord joyfully without special help from the Holy Spirit. My listening, I learned that the apostles weren’t able to do it either. They had gone through three years of public life with their best Friend and Savior day and night, really learning to know Him. Then they had gone through those three terrible days, and most of them had run away in fright. They witnessed His resurrection, but still didn’t understand. They couldn’t believe it. Up to the last hours of his forty days on earth they didn’t quite know how to take Him. Every time He appeared, He had to start over again with by saying, ‘Fear not, it is I.’ They most certainly were not serving Him joyfully.”
“Finally, when He led them up to the Mount of Olives, He gave them a few last instructions: ‘It is necessary for you that I go now to the Father because I will send you the One who will make you understand everything. You go back to Jerusalem now, and there you must wait for Him and pray for Him.’ They obeyed and for nine days and nine nights they stayed together, asking and praying for the Comforter, the Paraclete, the One to come whom Jesus had spoken of. They didn’t know exactly what they were praying for, but He told them to do so. After nine days were over, He came.”
“We must go into our upper room and take our Lord at His Word: ‘Go and wait for His coming.’ And if we do, He surely will send that very same Comforter, the One who will explain everything to us. Only then, and only from then on, will we be able to be really joyful in the Lord.”
Excerpt from Maria, by Maria Von Trapp, copyright 1972
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