Jesus All Mixed Up

“We’re baptized as babies, and our godparents mumble something we don’t understand. We have our first confession full of fear, and our first communion full of reverence. Somehow, somewhere, Jesus is all mixed up in this, but many of us never clearly, in words, acknowledge Him as our personal Savior. We may go to daily communion all our lives and yet never have met Him as a person!”

“In Rev 3:20-22 we read, Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to Him, and will dine with Him, and he with Me.”

“This invitation to Him is there in many of our lives, but not consciously enough. We need to awaken to Him and make a personal person-to-person commitment.”


Excerpt from Maria by Maria Von Trapp, copyright 1972

The real Maria Von Trapp,  from which the movie “The Sound of Music” was based.

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