The Great Falling Away

Recently we visited Montreal, Canada. It was an experience! I’ve never been out of the US without being with a tour group or while in the Navy. It was a little daunting. Everything was in French, the road signs, EVERYTHING! They use the metric system to boot, so driving had to be converted to metric, but what we found to be so sad, was talking to our 24 year old excellent tour guide to the oldest  house in Montreal, dating back to the 1600’s. She said no one really goes to church anymore. She said as people got away from marrying in a church, they also began breaking away completely. Today she said, Canada has a lot of people from India and many Muslims coming from India and Arab nations.

Traveling the back roads of rural America, we find that many of the small country churches are closed or they have been converted into businesses, art galleries, breweries or even homes. We hear this same story about Europe. Many times we can’t find a conservative news channel on TV, when up North and forget Christian channels!  

So what does the Bible say?

And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.  But he who endures to the end shall be saved. Matt 24:10-13

Is this not what we hear in the news? Watching One America News this morning they mentioned an “angry world”, in reference to what is currently going on in Europe and said, “We’re likely to see it here in 2024.” The bottom line is, we live in a world that long ago rejected God. As the world has already done, the US, the last vestige of Truth is quickly  turning away, just as the Bible foretold.

A land divided against its self..

It’s coming to a close very soon! Are you ready?

…Few be that find it…


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