The Ox

In Psalm 119:1-8 we find another secret, but only in Hebrew. “Alef” is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The picture that always represents Alef is an ox.  It represents “strength, leader or first”.

In Psalm 119, each verse starts with the letter Alef symbolizing first or strong. These 8 verses tell us how we are blessed and happy when we make God the Lord of our lives in complete surrender to Him, turning to His Word for His strength.

In Hebrew, when you see Alef, you think of the Father, strength, or first. So in each verse the message is as follows:
Vs 1: In the ox, the strength of the Father is blessings to those who walk in the law of the Lord.
Vs 2 In the ox, the strength of the Father is blessings for those who seek Him with their WHOLE heart
Vs 3  In the ox, the strength of the Father are blessings for those who do not practice sin and walk after Him
Vs 4 In the ox, the strength of the Father are blessings for those who learn and keep His precepts
Vs 5 In the ox, the strength of the Father are blessings for those who keep His statues
Vs 6 In the ox, the strength of the Father are blessings for those who takes away guilt because we follow His commandments
Vs 7 In the ox, the strength of the Father are blessings for those who will praise Him from a heart that has been cleansed.
Vs 8 In the ox, the strength of the Father are blessings for those who will keep His statutes.


1 Comment

Jeff Farster - January 25th, 2024 at 8:08am

AMEN!! He is our everything.






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