How Was Your Week?

How's Your Week Been?

I had to relive all the years of taking care of my parents and their siblings in assisted living and memory care, by going to with my friend to visit her father and my daughter-in-love with her "transitioning grandmother".  It conjurs up memories and feelings.....

Then I had to go out in the horrendous cold, in work boots, as we measured and staked property in haste, to be sure a house will fit, with mere inches to spare, after septic was required to be put in first.

I had to listen as a very large family discount on a vehicle didn't pan out this time and the dog sitter that I thought I had for an upcoming vacation will not return our calls or texts and another one was interviewed and she text us that she thought the trip was too long to leave our little Victoria for, since they didn't know each other.  On top of this, I had to deal with someone who does not like me and thinks I'm not of the Lord!

So, how has your week been?  This is fairly typical.  If you are alive, things are challenging.  But all week I rested.  With each and every situation I called on the Lord.  "Lord, I know you are for me and not against me."  "Lord, I know that I have the blessings of Abraham."  "Lord, I know that no weapon formed against me shall prosper."  "Lord, I know ALL things work together for good to me, because you love me."

Years ago, I didn't know His rest and I remember the emotional turmoil with each new situation.  Boy, is it good to stay calm in rest, just knowing and waiting for Him to work in EVERY situation on my behalf, because He is my precious Abba (Daddy) and He loves me.  

How's your week been?  

Read Matthew 11:28-29 and think about it today.


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