Effigy Mounds

Effigy mounds are Americas Stone Henge! There are over 3200 animal-shaped effigy mounds identified by the Wisconsin Historical Society in the upper midwest alone! We have been to many all over the eastern US. An interesting note is that Wisconsin is known as the land of lakes! There is a connection with the mounds and water.

 “Effigy Mounds National Monument was created by President Harry Truman in October 1949 to protect a small area along the banks of the Mississippi River. The 1,000-hectare (2,500-acre) area encompasses nearly 200 mounds. Mounds have been discovered at sites from the U.S. Midwest to the Atlantic Coast, but this particular site in Iowa is unusual because about 30 of the mounds are not shaped simply in lines or circles, but are instead effigies—simple shapes of mammals, birds, and reptiles. When the American prairies were plowed under by European settlers for agriculture, many mound sites were lost. Effigy Mounds National Monument is the largest known collection of mounds in the United States.”

In the US the signs on site all contribute the building of the mounds to the American Indians, but one site I found gave different explanations from the Mormons to the 10 lost tribes is Israel. Here’s one: “In 19th-century America, many popular mythologies surrounding the origin of the mounds were in circulation, typically involving the mounds being built by a race of giants. A New York Times article from 1897 described a mound in Wisconsin in which a giant human skeleton measuring over 9 feet (2.7 m) in length was found.[60] In 1886, another New York Times article described water receding from a mound in Cartersville, Georgia, which uncovered acres of skulls and bones, some of which were said to be gigantic. Two thigh bones were measured with the height of their owners estimated at 14 feet (4.3 m).[61] President Abraham Lincoln referred to the giants whose bones fill the mounds of America.”

Come in person or watch on line next Thursday to Preppers, December 14th and learn more about what the Bible says about giants. Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that…. *wikapedia

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