
As I mentioned on Saturday, we so greatly enjoyed the trilogy storytelling performance of The Classics, by John Tucker Jr., and in the discussion afterward, it was pointed out a common theme,  a theme woven throughout the trilogy and that was an unspoken theme of GIANTS. An unspoken, ominous black raven that in the mind’s eye, turns into a giant bird exemplifying grief, and sorrow. A giant horse, believed to be a gift from the gods, yet filled with soldiers ready to conquer. A warrior king who outsmarted a giant cyclops using his critical thinking skills to outwit his tremendous foe and finally Jack, who chopped down the infamous bean stalk, causing the giant to fall to his death.

These myths, legends, allegories, or half-truths; these told me that we all have giants who enter our lives. Giants of sickness. Giants of financial pressures. Giants of rebellious children. Giants in relationships. Giants come in all shapes and sizes, even with only one giant bloodshot eye, they come to torment every soul. But I thought of David. Little David, who proved to be a giant killer! A boy who declared “no giant was going to defy his Living God!” I thought about how David was the precursor to Jesus. How Jesus would come in His time and prove Himself to be the ultimate “giant killer.” Jesus slayed giants of sickness and disease and all other giants by different names.

But what if we saw anything that dares come against us, as a wicked and evil giant? What if we took on the attitude of young David and said, “No giant will defy my God!” What if we refused entrance to that giant raven of sickness, for Jesus has already slain the enemy of all mankind! He has forever crushed the head of the great serpent that continuously tries to gain entrance, through some giant problem. We must see this thing as a giant coming to slay us, and see Jesus the great giant killer, as   told through the life of David. Not allowing the giant raven entrance, for he has already been struck by the death blow. The cyclops head severed from his body. But should we allow entrance, the giant comes back to life ever so strong, ever so powerful. Yes, Jesus slew the giant and I must see it that way, a finished business, done for me. I can take the head of that giant and lay it before my King. Jesus did this just for me. Today, see your problems as having been slain!

 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 1 Pet 2:24

 How different our lives would be and how victorious. For every giant in our life has been slain.


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