
We talk about the “elite” and an “elitist mentality”, but what is an “elite” and what is their mentality?

1)  a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society:
2) a group or class of people seen as having the greatest power and influence within a society, especially because of their wealth or privilege:

Elitism- “….may be used to describe a situation in which power is concentrated in the hands of a limited number of people.

We recognize this sin in the rich and famous, but it resides in every socio- economic sphere! The love of money…. We all need it. No one can live without it, but the power it has over all our lives is astounding. Money rules the world and is at the center of most sins. Even in the church and among Christians there is a battle for money and a spirit of pride and elitism that follows. But here’s the thing, we all die just the same. The billionaire dies just the same as the poorest person in the getto. Oh sure, they may die a more luxurious death, surrounded by all that medicine can provide, but in truth, what I’ve seen is that the medical profession can be equal to barbarity of the worst kind, that of the mad scientist! But die we all must. (Heb 9:27)

Guard your heart, no matter what level of the socio-economic sphere you are on. If on the lower, guard against jealousy and envy. If you’re in the middle, guard against looking down on those under you and guard against envy and jealousy for those above you. If your above, guard your heart for those below and protect yourself in humbleness for their is One above you, God! You see, there will always be someone below and there is always someone above.

Be thankful. Live in humility and daily committing what you have to Him, for we all face the same judgement whether you had a little or a lot. Whether you thought yourself an “elite” and lived like one or not.

“The rich and poor have this in common: The Lord made them both” (Proverbs 22:2)


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