November 29th, 2023
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
We watched a documentary on WWII and the German police. Many, many men left their secular employment during the war and joined forces with the newly Nazified police, in order to escape the front. *“Beginning in 1933, the Nazis took control of and subsequently transformed the police forces of the Weimar Republic into instruments of state repression and, eventually, of genocide. They did so by Nazifying policing.” The police were the primary instruments used to round up and massacring the Jewish people.
The point of the show was to prove that under the right environmental ANYONE can turn into a killer. Anyone! “The heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it?” Jer 17:9
What the news has not told you in recent days is that children as young as 10, maybe younger, took part in the October attack on innocent people living in Israel. Women coming behind the terrorists looting. It’s a cultural thing! Just like the Nazis.
Another thing the news is not telling us is that it’s not just Israel they’re after. There after the “great Satan”, America, and Christians.
“President Biden has stated that the Muslim Arab terrorist group Hamas, ‘does not represent the Palestinian people,’ or variations such as ‘the vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas,’ and ‘Hamas does not represent the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.’”
Did the civilian German men, (lawyers, plumbers etc.) turned police Nazi killers, not represent the German people either? When you’re forced into religious or political dogma, forced to serve or die, what would you do? Need I mention the vaccine?
The right environment, the right propaganda, throw in a little fear and apart from the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit, there is just no telling what any of us would do. How beyond awful it will be when the Holy Spirit has departed during the tribulation!
Call out to Him today, while He can still be found!
The point of the show was to prove that under the right environmental ANYONE can turn into a killer. Anyone! “The heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it?” Jer 17:9
What the news has not told you in recent days is that children as young as 10, maybe younger, took part in the October attack on innocent people living in Israel. Women coming behind the terrorists looting. It’s a cultural thing! Just like the Nazis.
Another thing the news is not telling us is that it’s not just Israel they’re after. There after the “great Satan”, America, and Christians.
“President Biden has stated that the Muslim Arab terrorist group Hamas, ‘does not represent the Palestinian people,’ or variations such as ‘the vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas,’ and ‘Hamas does not represent the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.’”
Did the civilian German men, (lawyers, plumbers etc.) turned police Nazi killers, not represent the German people either? When you’re forced into religious or political dogma, forced to serve or die, what would you do? Need I mention the vaccine?
The right environment, the right propaganda, throw in a little fear and apart from the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit, there is just no telling what any of us would do. How beyond awful it will be when the Holy Spirit has departed during the tribulation!
Call out to Him today, while He can still be found!
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