What You Do Really Does Matter

The longer I live, the more I realize the seriousness of life and the impact we have on one another. Sarai (Sarah) got tired of waiting on the Lord and made a terrible decision to have her husband sleep with her servant, which he willingly did and had a son (Ishmael), after God promised them a son. That son was the start of the Arab people. These are not the Canaanite people. The Canaanites were the giants that were there BEFORE Moses. Hagar, Sarai’s maid was from Egypt. The Lord said those people would dwell in the East. *The Arabs were lawless, wanderers, with free booting lifestyle.

“And he (Ishmael) will be as a wild ass among men; his hand will be against every man and every man’s hand against him, and he will live to the east and on the borders of all his kinsmen.” Gen 16:12 (sound familiar)

*The descendants of Ishmael became known as Arabs, which basically means “nomads.” From the beginning, the descendants of Ishmael were a warlike people, as “they lived in hostility toward all the tribes related to them” (Genesis 25:18)

Ishmael had 12 sons “but  it’s unlikely that all of those in Arabia are descendants of Ishmael, as the descendants of Keturah and the children of Esau also lived in the Arabian Peninsula.”

As we see, Sarah pretty well fouled things up for everyone. What we do really does matter!


*Adam Clarke, The Holy Bible with Commentary

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