October 19th, 2023
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
Love is the overriding theme of the Old Testament. Most people can’t see that because of our fallen nature and “do good - get good” societal reward system. But the book of Hosea is a book of love. Maybe not what we would call love, for Hosea is about loving the unlovable. Loving when someone doest love you back.
In chapter 11, God refers to Israel as a little child that He lovingly raised from infancy and yet they turned from Him and He cries like any good parent, “How can I give you up, O Ephraim! How can I surrender you and cast you off, O Israel! How can I make you as Admah or how can I treat you as Zeboiim (both destroyed with Sodom)! My heart recoils within Me; My compassions are kindled together.
Humans after the fall ALWAYS go their own way. But God, our creator, is always coming after us, as the beautiful book of Hosea demonstrates. Hosea the Prophet was told by God to marry a prostitute that didn’t love Hosea, to show the world God’s love for us.
Therefore return to your God! Hold fast to love and mercy, to righteousness and justice, and wait (expectantly) for your God continually! 12:6
When you realize His love for you, when you realize your fallen state, when you realize He’s for you and not against you, all things, even the horrific chaos in the world make sense.
No, it’s not about judgement, it’s about love. A love so deep that none of us can understand. A love that beckons His wayward child back to Him or calling a wayward wife back to His side. Pray for Israel to come back to their Husband. Pray for the Arabs to come back to their Father.
God loves humanity. Read the Word with His ever lasting love in mind. It will change your world view and give you hope.
In chapter 11, God refers to Israel as a little child that He lovingly raised from infancy and yet they turned from Him and He cries like any good parent, “How can I give you up, O Ephraim! How can I surrender you and cast you off, O Israel! How can I make you as Admah or how can I treat you as Zeboiim (both destroyed with Sodom)! My heart recoils within Me; My compassions are kindled together.
Humans after the fall ALWAYS go their own way. But God, our creator, is always coming after us, as the beautiful book of Hosea demonstrates. Hosea the Prophet was told by God to marry a prostitute that didn’t love Hosea, to show the world God’s love for us.
Therefore return to your God! Hold fast to love and mercy, to righteousness and justice, and wait (expectantly) for your God continually! 12:6
When you realize His love for you, when you realize your fallen state, when you realize He’s for you and not against you, all things, even the horrific chaos in the world make sense.
No, it’s not about judgement, it’s about love. A love so deep that none of us can understand. A love that beckons His wayward child back to Him or calling a wayward wife back to His side. Pray for Israel to come back to their Husband. Pray for the Arabs to come back to their Father.
God loves humanity. Read the Word with His ever lasting love in mind. It will change your world view and give you hope.
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