Struggle To Read

So you’ve started reading your Bible and much of it you don’t understand. What to do? The step you’ve taken is a life changer, IF you hang in there! But here’s a helpful key, don’t read for quantity, read for quality. In other words read until something stirs your insides, or perks your curiosity. Stop there and now take that scripture and meditate on it. Think about. Look up unknown words.

I like what Joyce Meyer said: *“Too many Christians don’t realize the difference between meditating on the Bible and reading the Bible. They like to think that whenever they read God‘s word, they’re absorbing the deep things of God. Too often people read a chapter in the Bible, and when they get to the last verse, they have little idea of what they read. Those who meditate on God‘s Word are those who think – and think seriously – about what they’re reading.”

You truly are what you think about, so be careful! Start your day with God and his Word, meditating on a Truth, and you can’t help but grow and overcome life. What a deal! Lke the seed that are planted in the ground, and quietly they change and grow and you don’t know how. That will be YOU!

Today, make the decision to make God’s Word a priority and an integral part of your life. You won’t be sorry!

But his delight is in the Law of the LORD,
and on His law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
yielding its fruit in season,
whose leaf does not wither,
and who prospers in all he does. Psalm 1:2-3


*battlefield of the mind devotional

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