
Please watch the video or read the article. As a former homeschool mom myself, my heart goes out to this family. But to have been here for 15 years and then be thrown literally back to Germany by the US for no cause, where homeschoolers are hated and fined such huge fines that no one can pay, while we allow hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Mexico and Guatemala and everywhere else come in and take care of them on top of it, well quite frankly, I’m outraged! I believe our wicked government has targeted them because the homeschool. DEFAX was called on me for homeschooling. It’s a horribly satanic thing to go go through, to be targeted for shielding your children from the worlds thinking as long as you can. Here are numbers to call. It only takes a minute. You would want people to do it for you! You can speak up for the Romeike family by calling America's leaders:    White House Switchboard:   (202) 456-1111    Capitol Hill Switchboard:   (202) 224-3121 Blessing


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