Eyes On The Prize

I remember when the Lord opened a door for me to work but I didn’t get rich on day one. In truth, when I got my first pay check, I had a melt down! I got my eyes off the prize and onto the circumstances. Yes, we would have a time of growing, maturing, learning, but God had me in the palm of His hand during that time. Thankfully He didn’t throw me to the wolves during that time, with my initial bad attitude.

Jesus is our example when we experience need or lack. If you’re struggling with lack for any reason I urge you to read the account of Jesus multiplying the loaves and fish in Matthew 14:14-21. Study it. Meditate on it. Pray over it, asking the Lord, “How does this story apply to my need.”

What we need to do, is to do what Jesus did. The people had a need for food. Jesus had a need for food as well and He felt the burden to provide for everyone, for they had come out to see HIM! What did he do? He gave thanks! He didn’t look at the problem. He didn’t look at the lack. He looked at His father, who he knew held the answer to all things. Led by the Holy Spirit to take what he had and commit it to God and then give thanks, a miracle was performed.

God is for you, not against you! Pray over these scriptures today, and keep your eyes on the prize and be thankful and success will surely be yours, as you commit yourself to God. I’m living proof!


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