Convert or Disciple

I was thinking of the absolute, undeniable miracle of a street thug, violent gang leader changing  literally overnight and becoming an undeniable Godly man.  It makes absolutely no sense!

I was saved at 13 and my life din’t change drastically like that. I went through the horrible teen years of trying to figure it out and discover what life was all about. So what was the difference? I was asking myself. The difference was I was a convert but not a disciple. Why? Because there was no one to disciple me!

This gang leader turned convert went to a very strict Bible School shortly after salvation. A wealthy lawyer who didn’t even know him, paid his way. Think of all the souls credited to his account, because he paid this former criminals way to Bible School! Thousands have been saved if not millions, becausec of his sacrifice in giving.

What I see today is that people don’t want discipleship. They may even be jealous of those they perceive to be “more spiritual” than them, but don’t seek those out to disciple them. Church is becoming a thing of the past and who reads their Bible?

Somehow, by God’s Magnificat Grace I made it, but how much different would it have been had someone taken me under their spiritual wing and discipled me?

What to do?

Submit yourself to discipleship today. It’s never too late!
Ask the Lord who to submit yourself to, to learn from and grow. It’s very important that you choose wisely!
Put away all spiritual pride and all jealousy. No room in a disciple for these feelings and attitudes.
Commit to church, where the Holy Spirit tells you to go.
Read the Word and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a desire to read it and for understanding.
Talk to the Lord. Don’t spend all your time asking for things. Spend time loving and thanking Him

…and you will be my disciple…. Teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you….Jesus


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