Ghost of the Past

I will have flash backs of my youth often times at church while singing on the praise team and sometimes God will bring things to my mind that need to be dealt with. The first case is Satan tormenting me, the second is freeing me.

Niki Cruz writes in his excellent book Soul Obsession, “I see it every day. It’s what causes people to  backslide, to fall back into their old lifestyles. to seek out their old friends in a moment of weakness. To fall back into drugs and sex and sin.”

“It happens when people accept a new future without turning loose of the past. Without letting go of their guilt and remorse. Without forgiving themselves the way that Jesus has forgiven them. “I tell you, now it is the time of God’s favor,” wrote the Apostle Paul, ‘now is the day of salvation.’ 2 Cor 6:2.”

“It is not enough that we accept Jesus and ask for his forgiveness; we must also reject who we once were and completely embrace the new day - the day of our salvation. The day that our past is over. The day that our sins are no longer remembered by God, that nothing we’ve ever done matters anymore, that only the future remains. It needs to be more than a day of salvation; it needs to be a day of transformation. A day of new hope and new dreams - of a renewed heart, mind and soul.”

Read that part again: “The day that our past is over. The day that our sins are no longer remembered by God, that nothing we’ve ever done matters anymore, that only the future remains.” God knew you when you were separated from Him and now He knows you reconciled to Him. In His joy He forgets the past! Won’t you?


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