The Table

I love the Word of God and especially the Old testament. I read something that once again put me in awe! I know the familiar story of King Saul continually being under the influence of a demonic spirit, telling him to kill David. David eventually became king and then his son Solomon. During Solomon’s reign, the Queen of Sheba visited the palace and King Solomon. She was breathless as she beheld “the food on his table, the seating of his servants, the service of his waiters and their apparel, his cupbearers and their apparel...” 2 Chron. 9:4 then she said, “Happy are your men and happy are those your servants, who stand continually before you and hear your wisdom!” 2 Chron. 9:7

There is always a New Testament counterpart to what is spoken of or so finely illustrated with the magnificence of words, in the Old Testament. *”In the Old Testament, the table of Kings represented feasting with the king of Kings at his heavenly table!

“When the apostle paul instructs. ‘Let us keep the feast” (1 Cor 5:8), he means let us understand clearly that we have been assigned a seat in the heavenlies with Christ at His royal table. Paul is saying, “Always  show up. Never let it be said your seat is empty.”

Like Saul missing David at his table, the Lord is asking, “Who had justification to miss my feast?” He says, “I gave you an assigned seat at My royal table. this is where My servants see my face, hear My wisdom and get to know Me. It is where I feed them the Bread of life and it is a great honor. Why then do you take it so lightly? Why do you not take your seat? You run about working for Me and speaking of Me - but why do you not sit with Me and learn of Me? Where have you been?”


*Hungry For More of Jesus by David Wilkerson

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