

Squatting has become a problem in the US. I just read a story of a 4th grade public school teacher with her family, squatting in a Houston mansion, claiming to have a false deed. Finally the courts got her out.

A professional. A smart woman, not a mentally handicapped woman, squatting, taking ownership of someone else’s belongings. It reminds me of the man or woman who thinks, believes, is counting on entrance to Heaven. Assured that the day will come and yet presenting a false deed at the pearly gate. A gate made of one solid pearl, that melts as you walk through, and then solidifies once again. (Reports from people who have been and come back) “Let me in they demand!” But their deed is false.

Read Ephesians 2 Vs 2 In which at one time you walked (habitually). You were following the course and fashion of this world (were under the sway of the tendency of this present age), following the prince of the power of the air. (You were obedient to and under the control of) the (demon) spirit that still constantly works in the sons of disobedience (the careless, the rebellious, and the unbelieving who go against the purpose of God).

If you think you will stand before God, giving an account of your life, your good deeds, hoping they will out-way your bad, then you are no different than this 4th grade Houston school teacher, who is a thief and a lier! Your good works are a false deed and won’t get you anywhere. Only by the shed blood of the Lamb applied to your life, can you make entrance into Heaven, for in Heaven, there are no squatters allowed!

Jesus gives me keys to the Kingdom where I can enter boldly into the throne of Grace.


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