A Gardener's Look Part 5

Taken from A Gardeners Look at the Fruit is the Spirit by Philip Keller

Our Personal Ambitions

“The whole subject of personal, private ambitions poses an enormous problem for many Christians. They struggle relentlessly to accommodate their own desires to the great will of God. There is within them a tension between attaining their own ends and serving Christ.

Ambition- the right sort- putting God first in all of our affairs- seeking above all else to please Him while serving others-is a powerful implement in the hand of God for producing rich fruit in our lives and the lives of others. It breaks up the hardness of a heart set on only selfish ends. It redirects the enthusiasm and  energy of the whole person into fields of usefulness.

All our choices, whether conscious or unconscious, are trimmed toward that one end. It becomes the overriding consideration that pounds out a predominant path through all our activities.

All else becomes secondary, even Christ’s claims upon us. It is for this reason that the word of the Lord through Jeremiah was: “Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not.” Jer 45:5
In bold contrast out Lord’s admonition was: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matt 6:34”


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