Are You In His Hands?

Psalm 143 is David recognizing his inner self! He’s talking about his mind, his will, his emotions, and his spirit where he touched God.

It’s hard to explain to someone the relationship a believer has in his spirit with God. “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

David recognizes these truths that he is spirit. He understands God is Spirit, and all mankind will be judged on God’s righteous scale, when man returns to spirit.

David recognized the Lord’s hand in his life, where others in the flesh see only as coincidence. David wanted God to lead his life. He saw what he got when he himself led his life. David said, “I flee to You to hide me.”

David placed himself in God’s hands. Have you made this bold move unto salvation? If you have, are you calling on Him daily to keep you there? Don’t get saved and stuck! Call on Him! He has so much more for you (I hear you, scoffer!) He says you must seek Him to find Him! Don’t leave it up to your husband. Don’t leave up to your wife. Don’t leave it up to your pastor. YOU seek Him.

Don’t you think it’s time? Make the effort to put yourself in His hands and you will never be disappointed! YOU seek Him and YOU will find Him! (Jer 29:13)


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