The Power of Music

We went as a family to see the superb Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.  A new twist on an old start, they show a popular movie and play the score live, like the start of the golden age of movies, when every movie house had an orchestra pit. At the end, as we were walking out and it was being discussed how we enjoyed it, I stayed silent, only nodding my head. My out spoken eldest told his brother that he had gotten “all choked up at the end”. I knew he wasn’t talking about the movie, but rather the music. By then I had gained my composure, for I to had choked up! “You to? I did the same thing”, I said. I was thinking to myself how ridiculous I was, and this gave me comfort to know I wasn’t the only one. My youngest began explaining “the power of music.” I listened intently, interested in his take of why an orchestra could bring us to tears. He explained the vast string sections and yet playing various parts. “They weren’t all playing the same part. If you heard one of them play by themselves, it wouldn’t sound good and you wouldn’t know what they were playing, but when their all combined, it sounds so beautiful, so harmonious, it’s beautiful and powerful.” Bravo! People of all nationalities joined together on that stage contributing their part, to bring forth a very moving whole. Yes, music is power and as you enjoy music at this time of year especially, remember the one who created it in all its splendor!

“My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed.”  Ps 71:23


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