Like A Father

Like A Father

 I have so many precious memories of my father. He was so special to all of us! He loved us unconditionally it seemed and he was always so happy to see us! I still think of him often and especially at the holidays, because when someone you love is no longer with you, it leaves a hole that is never filled. But, I have another father! My ABBA, my Heavenly Father.

We were talking this morning about how fast life is going and I commented on how I cannot begin to imagine the hopelessness some people must feel. We are so looking forward to being with our Heavenly Father, that any sorrow is swallowed up. Like the smile that I can still envision on my earthly father’s face when he saw me. I can just imagine the big smile Jesus will have on His face when I get there! He will be so very happy that I allowed Him to save me and because of it, I can live forever with Him!

“Is anything too hard or too wonderful for the Lord?” Gen 18:14a

Do you have an Abba? Do you have a Heavenly Father that you KNOW loves you and not only can He not wait to see you, He wants to be with you daily to provide, to wipe away any tear, and to fill you with love and hope?

 Call on Him today, for He is the only way! Blessings

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