February 24th, 2025
by Leah Farster
by Leah Farster
Eight Rules of Interpretation #6
Our 6th Rules of Interpretation is:
The Rule of Precedent
We have seen in recent years the harm the law can do in the hands of unrighteous man. In my opinion, the law can be used in the hands of a “smooth talker” in lieu of evidence. Does the execution of the law come down many times to simply the best performance? Words mean things and words are literally a weapon, just as powerful as any gun. They can destroy lives and even kill.
Has a precedent been set in the last few years of how the law can be used concerning politics? Perhaps, but let’s not make that mistake with God’s Word.
Precedent is an earlier occurrence of something similar
Applying this to the Bible, we must not violate the use of the word by inventing another word for which there is no precedent. This is why old case law is continually studied and even referred to in court. Former cases won set precedent. This is the launching pad for any lawyer or judge to Search, Examine, Compare, Set Precedent.
Something done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or justify a subsequent act of the same or an analogous kind.
A verdict that had no precedent
Don’t make the mistake of reading the Word APART from the precedent that God Himself set. Christian cults break all of the 8 rules of interpretation and come up with new beliefs that have no precedent in the Word. Don’t be a “smooth talker” to yourself and be deceived where your eternal home is at stake!
Our 6th Rules of Interpretation is:
The Rule of Precedent
We have seen in recent years the harm the law can do in the hands of unrighteous man. In my opinion, the law can be used in the hands of a “smooth talker” in lieu of evidence. Does the execution of the law come down many times to simply the best performance? Words mean things and words are literally a weapon, just as powerful as any gun. They can destroy lives and even kill.
Has a precedent been set in the last few years of how the law can be used concerning politics? Perhaps, but let’s not make that mistake with God’s Word.
Precedent is an earlier occurrence of something similar
Applying this to the Bible, we must not violate the use of the word by inventing another word for which there is no precedent. This is why old case law is continually studied and even referred to in court. Former cases won set precedent. This is the launching pad for any lawyer or judge to Search, Examine, Compare, Set Precedent.
Something done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or justify a subsequent act of the same or an analogous kind.
A verdict that had no precedent
Don’t make the mistake of reading the Word APART from the precedent that God Himself set. Christian cults break all of the 8 rules of interpretation and come up with new beliefs that have no precedent in the Word. Don’t be a “smooth talker” to yourself and be deceived where your eternal home is at stake!
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