God Knows The Best Fruit Cake

Did you see the 700 Club story on the woman who made fruit cake? I did and it really peaked my interest because we’ve been buying her fruitcake for quite a few years. One of my Christmas decorating customers bought me one of the fruit cakes one year, and as most of you would, I secretly turned my nose up at it, as they said on the on the 700 club, leading into the story, “It’s the gift that most people DON’T want for Christmas!”

Our visiting friend from Germany watched that episode with me and that evening he went and bought a fruit cake from the grocery store and couldn’t eat it, it was so awful, but God knows the best fruit cake!

As the story was told, Southern Supreme fruit cakes was born out of a need and a prayer. Her husband had lost his job and she was a beautician, and for several years had been baking fruit cakes, and selling them in her salon at Christmas. When she prayed about her husband‘s job and what to do to make more money, the Lord told her make fruit cakes! Now many years have passed and they are in a 45,000 square-foot building and known all over the world for their truly delicious fruitcake. God really does know what’s best for us and he knows good fruit cake!

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Is 55:8


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