Thanksgiving For Freedom

Thanksgiving For Freedom

A barren land is what the Pilgrims came to. No houses, no doctors, no grocery stores, no fields to harvest, no nothing!!!! Can you imagine so desperately wanting to be free, that you were willing to escape to nowhere and find nothing, and yet be happy and grateful?

People such as the Jews in 1948, were willing to do the same. Escape to a barely inhabitable land, according to the writings of Mark Twain in his documented visit. A waste, barren land, of nothing. But freedom calls a man to pursue better and never settle.

Thank You dear God that men were brave enough to make the decision and yes, put their families lives at risk, so that you and your ancestors, and later immigrants, could also find freedom from tyranny and most of all the freedom to be Christians and the freedom to worship God.

Some are trying their best to take this right away, proven by Kama Harris stating that Jesus was not welcome in her rally! But for the moment, at least we still have the freedom that our forefathers came here for and fought for, the freedom to worship our Savior, not a king. It really is something huge to be thankful for. Remember to thank God for this freedom today and have a blessed, and thankful, FREE day!


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